8 years ago
Critic Speak (10 posts found)
Newspaper to Run User-Generated Reviews for Free
Before film critics get apoplectic about this news, remember, it says more about the state of print media than anything else. The Daily Democrat based out of Woodland, CA is offering anyone and everyone the chance to publish film reviews in their paper. The be...
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Unanimous Praise Ignores the Larger Issues
Perfect ratings on media aggregators like Rotten Tomatoes and MetaCritic are a unique occurrence that come along infrequently. Toy Story 3 was close, but then a review from Armond White came along and scattered any hopes of 100% Fresh rating for the capper to ...
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Ann Hornaday, Movies and Mass Shootings
Taxi Driver is considered one of the classics of Martin Scorsese's filmography, but when that title is mentioned most don't think of the film, they recall John Hinckley Jr. and his attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan. That association has undoub...
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Criticwire’s Sam Adams Suggests There May Be Too Many Comic Book Films
Criticwire's Sam Adams lobbed a fastball down the middle of the plate yesterday when he asked if there are too many superhero movies? The question is not unwarranted; comic book films are largely based on the same structures (origin story, escalation, bait-and...
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Are We Not Critics? A Rallying Cry
Critics across disciplines and mediums have been abuzz over the last week or so, arguing and discussing the current state of pop culture criticism. It began with Ted Gioia's piece for the The Daily Beast on March 18, in which he wrote that modern music critici...
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Watching Movies Through a Narrow Scope
Christian broadcaster Kevin Swanson is not the first person to suggest that Disney's Frozen is an attempt by Hollywood to push gay rights, but he is certainly the most offended by it. This is what he had to say when he shared his interpretation of the latest ...
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The Male Gaze and Criticism
It's easy to forget sometimes that film/television critics are a homogeneous group (white men predominantly). A group of males that spend a majority of their time discussing their favorite shows and movies, and sometimes debating when consensus isn't had. Thes...
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Peter Bart Wonders if Critics Can Be Happy
Eager to piece together any reason for the lack of a clear frontrunner for this year's Oscar race, Variety's Peter Bart has put out a thesis: it's because movie critics like bummer movies that Academy voters don't.
"I would argue that filmgoers by and large...
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When to Say When on Walking Out of a Movie
This week's critic survey written by Samuel Adams struck a chord when he asked "Is it okay for movie critics to walk out of a film (or turn off a screener), and if so, can they write about it?"
Now the answer to the first portion of Adam's query is obvious ...
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Armond White Expelled from the NYFCC
Anyone familiar with Armond White is aware of what went down at the New York Film Critic's Circle awards dinner last week, but few anticipated how that story would end this morning. After an emergency meeting held by the NYFCC for his actions during 12 Years A...
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