8 years ago
Lists (10 posts found)
The Man with the Golden Gun: Chekhov’s Guns in Film
Anton Chekhov was a real triple threat: while we all know him best for his accomplishments as a dramaturge and an author, he also practiced medicine while making his numerous artistic achievements on the side. “Medicine is my lawful wife, and literature is my ...
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Conspiracy Theory: Elijah Wood Doesn’t Age
Elijah Wood is turning 34 today, but look closely and you’ll realize something: He hasn’t aged in a long time. Like, a really long time. Is he really 34 or is that just a lie? Some actors like Michael Caine or Malcolm McDowell feel like they’ve been Old for 5 ...
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Looking Good, Looking Glass: The Many Iterations of Alice
“You would have to be half mad to dream me up.” The Mad Hatter, as far as characters dreamt up by the illustriously literary genius Lewis Carroll goes, seems to be the one most akin to its creator. Carroll, born 183 years ago on January 27, 1832 in Daresbury, ...
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Say It Ain’t Snow: Movies to Watch During Your Blizzard
If you’re in the northeastern United States, chances are it looks like the fantasy sequence from that new Gregg Araki film. Thus, it is the perfect time to queue up some films, make some hot cocoa and popcorn, and comment “You’re the worst” on every social med...
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The Artists of War
The darkness that comes from war can be viewed in many ways, seeping into our consciousness through different opinion and experience. That it remains a difficult genre not only for its content, but psychological effect, is telling as we live in a world that co...
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5 Essential Asian Soccer Films
Soccer lovers from the Middle East across Asia to the land Down Under have been engrossed by the happenings of the 2015 Asian Cup in Australia for much of this month. From Palestine's debut in the tournament to the expected dominance of Japan, there's been ple...
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Under the Skin: 5 Reasons Why “Mysterious Skin” Should Be Required Teen Viewing
New Queer Wave iconoclast Gregg Araki established himself as an unapologetically abrasive director, willing to be as rough and harsh as possible when it came to approaching subjects of queerness, HIV/AIDS, and dysfunctional relationship. But with his 2004 film...
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Cine-Math: 5 Film Equations
Let it be known that I exist purely to subvert all of the Asian stereotypes: I quit karate, I can't speak a lick of Chinese, a quit violin, and, much to the chagrin of others', I can't do math for the life of me. So, what have I left other than the movies? Cin...
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Hurts So Good: The Best of BDSM Film
It’s no secret that sex sells in Hollywood. The more sensual and wanton the characters appear and the more nudity they’re allowed to get away with tends to help sell the idea of a film to both a studio and a mainstream movie going audience.As conversation surr...
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Crazy Cake Time: Celebrating David Lynch’s Birthday
It is time to celebrate the birthday of cinema’s most influential director of the bizarre. He chills our bones with overwhelming frights, haunts us with unjust happenings beneath beautiful surfaces, makes us laugh at quirky in-jokes, and warms us with heady ro...
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