8 years ago
All posts by Christopher Runyon
The Darren Aronofsky Retrospective: ‘Requiem for a Dream’
The Movie Mezzanine Filmmaker Retrospective series takes on an entire body of work--be it director's, screenwriter's, or otherwise--and analyzes each portion of the filmography. By the final post of a retrospective, there will be a better understanding of the ...
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‘Mama’ Buries Originality Under Formula
One can't help but admire Guillermo Del Toro. Not only is he a true movie-buff who makes ambitious, original, off-the-wall films, but he also supports the little guys, extending his influence so that emerging directors can make horror films of their own....
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The Darren Aronofsky Retrospective: ‘Pi’
Many directors are maligned for going over-the-top. In the case of Darren Aronofsky, it’s what put him on the map. Aronofsky, best known for Requiem for a Dream and Black Swan, is the purest example of an uncompromising filmmaker. If he is going for something,...
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‘The Impossible’ Does the Probable and Predictable
On a technical level, The Impossible is virtually flawless. Juan Antonio Bayona, director of the brilliant horror film The Orphanage, takes the audience headfirst into the tsunami that shook Southeast Asia in 2004 with such force and prowess that it can b...
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