My name is Dylan Moses Griffin, and I loved Olympus Has Fallen. I have a strong weakness for terrible action films. Did this film have any cinematic merit? No. But did I enjoy the hell out of it? Yes. In a year with two Die-Hard-in-the-White-House films (the other being White House Down) it managed to be one of the most ridiculously/delightfully American things I have seen. At one point in the film Gerard Butler smashes a terrorist’s head in with a bust of Abraham Lincoln. That’s how far it takes it. Now Focus Features has announced the release date of October 2, 2015 for this unnecessary sequel that I will sadly pay top dollar for. Gerard Butler and Aaron Eckhart will return as Mike Banning and President Benjamin Asher respectively but Antoine Fuqua won’t return to direct the film as he’ll be moving onto the boxing drama Southpaw. With the release date set, a hunt for a director is sure to be next.
Here’s the plot synopsis from Deadline:
Pic picks up in London, where the British Prime Minister has died under mysterious circumstances. His funeral is a must-attend event for leaders of the Western world. But what starts out as the most protected event on the planet turns into a deadly plot to kill the world’s most powerful leaders and unleash a terrifying vision of the future. Only three people have any hope of stopping it: POTUS, his formidable secret service head (Butler), and an English MI-6 agent who trusts no one.
London Has Fallen will be released Oct 2,2015
Source: Deadline