As part of Grantland’s Errol Morris Week last week, the site debuted a new short documentary by the prolific filmmaker each day titled “It’s Not Crazy, It’s Sports”, highlighting a bizarre true story revolving around sports and their fans. The latest one is subtitled “Chrome”, and looks back at the horse named California Chrome that almost became the first triple crown winner in 36 years back in 2014. Morris weaves together interviews with the horse’s owner Steve Coburn (actually not Wilford Brimley, don’t let the mustache fool you) and majestic shots of horse racing, and while it’s not quite as impactful as his other “It’s Not Crazy, It’s Sports” shorts, it is certainly a more fascinating look at professional horseracing than most could offer. Check it out below, and we’ll have the final “It’s Not Crazy, It’s Sports” short online tomorrow.
8 years ago