You better be listening to this episode while taking part in a solid workout, buster. Feel the burn! Push yourself! Etc.! Sorry, we’re just in a very exercise-friendly mood after discussing the 1995 comedy Heavyweights on this week’s episode of Mousterpiece Cinema. Gabe and Josh didn’t have to go back to fat camp to prepare for this podcast, thankfully, but they did get to have a flashback to the time when Ben Stiller wasn’t on top of the world of film. And they’re joined in their discussion by Rob Hunter of Film School Rejects, ready to debate the important topics: is Heavyweights the best of the Disney live-action output of the 1990s? Is this an early case of co-writer Judd Apatow (yes, really, Judd Apatow) making a script too long even with a 100-minute runtime? And which host does voices this week? Find out now!
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