8 years ago
List (10 posts found)
Seven Deadly Sins of Cinema
Kevin Spacey's immortal turn as the sin-obsessed John Doe took Seven and launched it into the stratosphere of crime classic. The way he dispatched with sinners so heartlessly and with conviction lead me to ponder what others movie characters would have drawn h...
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8 Great Nurses in Movies
You may or may not be aware, but this week is National Nursing Week here in North America (concluding with International Nurses Day on May 12th), so be extra nice to the men and women who take care of you long after the doctor's gone home. Should you be fortun...
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Top Ten “Too Old for This S***” Movies
In a medium as youth-obsessed as cinema, even stories of aging often address the problem of simply not being young anymore. This can take a variety of forms, the most potent of which often involves a character being forced to face their actions as they realize...
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Top 10 Comedies About Infidelity
Ingmar Bergman once said, "With the risk of being misinterpreted, I say that fidelity often plays too great a role in a marriage." That may be, but it certainly plays almost no role in marriage on film, with hundreds of stories of cheating spouses causing all ...
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Top 10 Office Movies
With Mad Men coming back on the air for its (bifurcated) final season, and me returning to work after a wonderful weekend at the Turner Classic Movies Classic Film Festival, I've got offices on my mind. Luckily, the office is not an infrequent topic in cinemat...
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Top 10 Behind-the-Scenes Sports Movies
It seems like you can't round a corner without running into one movie or another telling the so-inspirational story of some underdog athlete who beats the odds and did a thing really really well. But the world of sport is as much a world of business as it is o...
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Top 10 Sequels Gone Awry
While it's easy to look at the machinations of the commercially-driven studio system as inherently anti-artist, the truth is, most people just don't want to expend all that much effort to yield a significant return. And so, when coming off the heels of a signi...
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Top 10 Christian-Themed Movies
With Son of God and God's Not Dead finding modest purchase at the box office (and considerable fruition in think pieces everywhere) and Darren Aronofsky's Noah ready and waiting to frustrate just about everybody, it would seem that Christians have a harder tim...
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Top 10 Chicago Movies
Despite being the nation's third most populous city, Chicago remains oddly underrepresented on film. Loving natives like John Hughes, David Mamet, and Michael Mann really latched onto it and made it an integral aspect of the cinematic expression, but it remain...
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Top 10 Films of 1932
The limited release of The Grand Budapest Hotel this past weekend was catnip for those of us who are fans of either a) Wes Anderson, b) classic Hollywood cinema, or especially c) all of the above. With the film being set predominantly in 1932 (or at least an a...
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